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Fast Company Article: Four Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier

I love Fast Company magazine. It is so much more than a business magazine. If you don't have a subscription, you can follow them on Facebook and read a lot of their great articles. Bonus: they're quick reads. One particular article caught my eye recently, with some super simple ideas for being happier. Who doesn't want that?! Basically these come down to the following:

  • walk regularly: three times a week for 20 minutes
  • write about positive experiences: pick one positive experience per day and spend a few minutes writing about it
  • do random acts of kindness: commit to 5 small acts per week. 
  • meditate daily

I will throw in the additional tip--if you can, try to take a regular walk in the woods. Recent research has shown that hiking in the woods can actually improve mental health.

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